Our company specializes in investing in traffic arbitrage, which has become an integral part of our life. We saw the prospect for the development of this kind of activity 10 years ago, at the stage of inception, and that was our right decision!
10 years later and up to now more than 37 advertisers cooperate with us in such areas as commodity, gambling, nutra, crypt. Since 2014, we have managed to create 8 successful CPA networks that still work today and thanks to which publishers are paid millions of rubles every month.
We have four arbitration teams in the CIS and European countries, young professionals who know how not to waste the advertising budget and make a huge profit. Our advertisers give us the best and converting offers on the market, which allows us to increase turnover, and thereby increase profits!
During the pandemic, hired workers lost their jobs and began to master the Internet professions, including targeting, and businessmen realized that only the Internet can truly secure their income.
21d Tyrwhitt Road, London, England, SE4 1QD Company number: 13475538
How investing in traffic arbitrage looks like with Arbiten: Our arbitration teams purchase advertising in Facebook Ads and Google Ads at the expense of investors' investments and, depending on the effectiveness of advertising and the number of attracted clients, a profit is obtained that is shared between the company and the investors.
We have our own CPA networks and a reliable advertiser base. These factors make the promotion more profitable and less risky.
The Arbiten project will help you not only to make money by investing in arbitrage, but also to figure out how this kitchen works from the inside!
You can start investing with just $ 10, and see the profit the next day. We have developed 4 rates for you, depending on the size of the deposit. There is also a wheel of Fortune for partners - a special bonus available immediately after depositing an account. By increasing the turnover, we increase the total profit!
And investors get their percentage of investments.
An offer that we will advertise using targeted advertising in Facebook Ads, Google Ads.
We need a customer who is willing to pay for each potential customer according to his proposal.
Besides the fact that we already have an offer and an advertiser, this is not the end. The hardest part is that we need to attract a potential client with a cool bundle i.e. an enticing video / photo, after which the person who clicked on the advertisement will leave a bid.
After the user has made an order by clicking on the advertisement, the application is processed by the call center, if it is a commodity. Or, if this is another vertical, then all the necessary conditions for the approval of the application are met. After this process, the flow of funds and payment awaits us.
The investor does not have to make an effort to launch the advertisement and create his arbitration team. Arbiten has its own teams for the CIS and Europe, and is responsible for selecting the optimal offers.
Our team specializes in areas such commodity, gambling, nutra, crypt, which allows us to reduce the risks if some vertical does not generate enough profit.
We have our own CPA networks in commodity/gambling that means we have a direct connection with advertisers who give us an increased percentage for each individual offfer.
Our trump card is our product CPA network that works with all popular GEO. In it we are responsible and regulate all processes: purchase of quality goods, logistics, payments.
To create a stable business that generates income for all our partners! And train our partners on how to do business in arbitration!
Pays 1000 $ for a confirmed lead
Submits his product to the CPA network and pays a fixed fee.
Pays $ 850 to the webmaster and keeps $ 150 for himself
Takes a percentage of every sale.
Receives $ 850 for a confirmed lead
Provides traffic to the advertiser's products and receives a fixed reward
Every day the advertiser verifies the statistics on our profit, the money is credited to your account depending on the portfolio.
We minimize your risk of losing money with a huge store of knowledge behind your backs.
For more comfortable and efficient use, a convenient personal account with transparent analytics was developed.
We additionally invest in the development of our CPA networks and open new projects every month.
The period of the pandemic and quarantine showed all the opportunities for making money in the Internet space. Business on the Internet is one of the most promising and highly paid ways of earning money. Arbiten allows every investor to make money on targeted advertising.
We offer favorable conditions for investing in traffic arbitrage together with Arbiten. You can invest some of your capital and get high returns in the medium term. New investors get a higher rate. You can start with just $ 10 - the profit will appear the very next day. The more you invest, the more you get.
Income from attracting investments will allow us to create and improve our teams of specialists, as well as optimize business processes and increase the speed of developing new CPA networks.
With our individual assistance, arbitrage will become a new, exciting investment destination for you!
From traffic to real money
Receiving investment from partners - purchasing advertising accounts - choosing a converting offer - purchasing advertising on Facebook Ads / Google Ads - generating leads - confirming leads by an advertiser / SPA network - making a profit - distributing interest among investors
Types of traffic
To make the target more effective, our teams use only Facebook Ads, Google Ads in their work, since other types of advertising such as email marketing, spam mailing in private messages, posts on Instgram are not an effective method of promoting and finding a client for a product / service!
In our work, we use all types of traffic, both free and paid: