Especially for you, we have developed ideal rate plans in the sequence in which positions in arbitration teams are distributed, from the lowest to the highest! So that you can develop with us!
Farmer is a specialist who prepares an account for launching advertising campaigns.
Real rate 3.83% subject to return of the deposit body daily
Net interest for the entire term of the deposit: 15%
Total interest, including body of deposit: 115%
In order to invest in this tariff, you just need to replenish your account from $ 10 or attract partners for whom you will earn these funds.
This job requires
Farmer is a simple, routine job that requires a lot of perseverance. Farmer's work is one of the most important. The success of further advancement largely depends on the competent performance of his duties. Farmer prepares an account for launching advertising campaigns, including "warming up" it for a successful launch by Buyer beginner, Top Buyer. This means that this specialist must warm up the account well enough so that higher-level specialists can successfully launch advertising!
How much can a farmer earn?
How much he wants! The amount directly depends on the number of prepared accounts. Farmer is considered one of the early stages in business development. Nevertheless, the income can be $ 350 per day or more!
For the convenience of financial calculations, you can use our calculator! Enter the amount you would like to invest in our project, then our calculator will show your daily and total profit from the project.
Buyer beginner is a specialist who independently launches advertising with small budgets in the Ads Manager.
Real rate 4.13% subject to return of the deposit body daily
Net interest for the entire term of the deposit: 24%
Total interest, including body of deposit: 124%
In order for there to be access for investment to this tariff, the total amount of deposits under the Farmer tariff must be $ 250 or more.
This job requires:
Buyer beginner – the next step to a specialist in setting up targeted advertising. Buyer beginner works exclusively under the supervision of Top Buyer, also Team Lead, who give him advice and a ready-made bundle: age of the target audience, detailed target, creatives and other necessary information. Buyer beginner learns to independently launch ads, but not on huge budgets. This specialist can choose a vertical for a certain type of traffic, in consultation with Top Buyer and Team Lead.
How much can a Buyer beginner earn?
The amount directly depends on the number of successful advertising budles and the established percentage. Buyer beginner is considered one of the main starting points in team development. Nevertheless, the income can be $ 650 per day or more! The main thing is the desire to earn a lot and successfully.
Buyer beginner - a person who, with certain professional successes and achievements, can quickly become a TOP Buyer, who not only receives more funds, but has more difficult and responsible tasks.
TOP Buyer is a specialist who has experience in successfully launching advertising and is an expert in product promotion.
Real rate 4.43% subject to return of the deposit body daily
Net interest for the entire term of the deposit: 33%
Total interest, including body of deposit: 133%
In order to have access for investment to this tariff, the total amount of deposits for the Farmer and Buyer tariff must be $ 1,000 or more.
This job requires:
TOP Buyer has the the goodwill and trust of the company and the Team Lead. TOP Buyer subordinates Farmer, who prepares accounts for him to launch and regulates the work of Buyer beginner.
How much can a TOP Buyer earn?
TOP Buyer is considered one of the key steps in business development. Income can be $1,000 a day or more! TOP Buyer is a very demanding position that involves experience and requires a high level of responsibility.
TOP Buyer is the highest possible position for an employee. He has a large number of duties and therefore a high salary. The amount of money earned may vary depending on the goods/services sold.
Team lead is a specialist who monitors the work of all buyers. The team lead analyzes, directs and manage the work of the whole team.
Real rate 4.83% subject to return of the deposit body daily
Net interest for the entire term of the deposit: 45%
Total interest, including body of deposit: 145%
In order to have access for investment to this tariff, the total amount of deposits at the Farmer, Buyer and TOP Buyer tariff must be $ 5,000 or more
This job requires:
Team lead is the leader of all buyers. The team lead is responsible for the distribution of tasks within the team. For effective work, the team lead must know and understand well all the stages of this activity and the specificities of the work of each specialist. The performance of the entire team as a whole depends on the manager. In addition to communication with buyers, which includes knowledge of the "inner kitchen", the team lead communicates directly with advertisers. So, the ability to competently conduct a conversation, make proposals, make compromises are the necessary characteristics of this position. The team lead also needs experience in communicating not only with people, but also with money.
How much can a Team lead earn?
It all depends on the desire of the team lead himself. The amount directly depends on the effectiveness of the buyer's team, that is, on the success of the buyer's work. The team lead is a kind of leader for all other types of traffic. Income can be $ 1,500 per day or more!
The leadership position of a team lead presupposes a large number of skills and the ability to competently distribute responsibilities between subordinates. It is assumed that the team lead will consistently go through all the stages: from Farmer to TOP Buyer, and only then will he be able to take a leadership position, which will bring him a particularly high income and authority among his subordinates.
Special conditions for investments from $30.000 – an individual offer with the opportunity to become a co-owner of the company and its representative offices in the CIS, USA and Europe.